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Atmosphere (2)

Astronomy - Planets (2)

Astronomy - Eclipses (3)

Astronomy - Sun (3)

Astronomy - Moon (1)

Astronomy - Komets (2)

Astronomy - Satellites (1)

Australia (1)

Hawaiian Islands (2)

Canary Islands (3)

Kingdom of Tonga (1)

New Zealand (1)

Swiss alps (1)

Southern Africa (1)

U.S. West Coast (2)

Observation nights (1)

Telescope (3)

The rising moon
The moon rose on 05/04/2015 with an illumination of 98% to glowing red on the Ruhrgebiet. The individual layers of the atmosphere are beautiful to see in his ascent. Recording site was the stockpile Rheinpreußen in Moers, where the miners lamp, a giant pit lamp stands. In the foreground you can see the Rhine and a Rhine boat moves upstream.