Newest videos

Atmosphere (2)

Astronomy - Planets (2)

Astronomy - Eclipses (3)

Astronomy - Sun (3)

Astronomy - Moon (1)

Astronomy - Komets (2)

Astronomy - Satellites (1)

Australia (1)

Hawaiian Islands (2)

Canary Islands (3)

Kingdom of Tonga (1)

New Zealand (1)

Swiss alps (1)

Southern Africa (1)

U.S. West Coast (2)

Observation nights (1)

Telescope (3)

Hawaiian Sky
The natural beauty of the Hawaiian island chain in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is shown in many scenes. On the islands of Kauai, Maui and the Big Island scenes for this video have emerged.
One night on top of Mauna Kea
Some of the worlds largest telescopes in the world are on Mauna Kea, 4200 meters above sea level. Among professionals, I spent one night there and recorded the fading of the zodiacal light and the setting of the Milky Way.