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Atmosphere (2)

Astronomy - Planets (2)

Astronomy - Eclipses (3)

Astronomy - Sun (3)

Astronomy - Moon (1)

Astronomy - Komets (2)

Astronomy - Satellites (1)

Australia (1)

Hawaiian Islands (2)

Canary Islands (3)

Kingdom of Tonga (1)

New Zealand (1)

Swiss alps (1)

Southern Africa (1)

U.S. West Coast (2)

Observation nights (1)

Telescope (3)

Namibia - Southern Africa
One week we were traveling with a 4x4 vehicle with roof tent in Namibia. We drove 2230 kilometers from Windhoek to Sossusvlei and via Swakopmund to Spitzkoppe. In addition to land and people, we wanted to experience again the darkest night sky in the world. At night the Milky Way was over our heads.