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Atmosphere (2)

Astronomy - Planets (2)

Astronomy - Eclipses (3)

Astronomy - Sun (3)

Astronomy - Moon (1)

Astronomy - Komets (2)

Astronomy - Satellites (1)

Australia (1)

Hawaiian Islands (2)

Canary Islands (3)

Kingdom of Tonga (1)

New Zealand (1)

Swiss alps (1)

Southern Africa (1)

U.S. West Coast (2)

Observation nights (1)

Telescope (3)

United States of America - Southwest -
Some of the most beautiful national parks of America from the nocturnal vision. Stunning Milky Way over the stunning landscapes of southwestern America.
U.S. West Coast
In this video a few locations on the west coast USA are shown. The video was made in the Valley of Fire, Grand Canyon National Park and Monument Valley.