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Atmosphere (2)

Astronomy - Planets (2)

Astronomy - Eclipses (3)

Astronomy - Sun (3)

Astronomy - Moon (1)

Astronomy - Komets (2)

Astronomy - Satellites (1)

Australia (1)

Hawaiian Islands (2)

Canary Islands (3)

Kingdom of Tonga (1)

New Zealand (1)

Swiss alps (1)

Southern Africa (1)

U.S. West Coast (2)

Observation nights (1)

Telescope (3)

Tenerife - Canarias -
Tenerife, the largest island of the Canary Islands, is a paradise for amateur astronomers. From the perspective of the night sky, I show many fascinating images in the Canadas del Teide and the mountain regions nearby. A highlight is the rising of the summer Milky Way over the neighboring island of Gran Canaria with the Lagoon Nebula M8.
La Palma - Rain in december -
On La Palma, we wanted to observe the comet ISON, but he did not survive his sun perihel. With a lot of rain, we have seen the island from a different side.
Summer sky of La Palma
Some places of La Palma on the Canary Islands were visited in the summer and processed as a time-lapse. The locations were choosen to specularly show up against the summer milky way.